Mauro Peruchetti


Born in 1949 in Milan, Perucchetti was painting and sculpting from a very early age. His first major body of work which was instigated by the medical research of that time on Cloning, explored the dilemma between Cloning and religion and medical ethics. Perucchetti decided to use Jelly Babies as a representation of cloned human beings. This required the use of resin and when Perucchetti discovered that no company in the world was able to undertake such a project due to its scale which was deemed technically impossible, he embraced the challenge and after much experimenting and breaking new grounds with what is physically feasible with that material he developed a system and designed the machines which would make this possible.

From that point he became unique in his use of pigmented resin which became a signature of his work which has been seen in many collections and institutions worldwide.